THE MILLER’S ART, in Italy, has always been handed down from father to son, from generation to generation, jealously keeping all the secrets of every single grain of wheat.
This is how grandfather Giuseppe taught the first rudiments of this craft to his son Gianfranco at a very early age, and so it has also been for Giuseppe and Lucia, who now represent the third generation.

Who we are
The history of Semolerie Giuseppe Sacco & Figli Srl traces its roots to a land that has always been dedicated to growing durum wheat. The area at the confluence of the Molise and Campania valleys in the Tavoliere delle Puglie region – Lucera, near Foggia – enjoys a Mediterranean climate […]

storyof a grain of wheat
Production Process
The production process is divided into five phases, essential to guarantee the quality of our products:

The New Mill
The new mill was also designed to be structurally different from the classic long structure. It is developed over six floors where all stages in the milling process take place, with a basement used as a workshop and a room under the silos.
Our Team
The people who assure quality at Semolerie Giuseppe Sacco & Figli Srl

Antonio Triggiani (Administration)

Giacomo Varanelli ( Purchases Spare Parts and Sale By-Products)

Beniamino Autullo (Raw Material Logistics)

Mario Del Buono (Finished Product Logistics)

Dott Romero (Food Technologist)

Rosaria Del Mastro (General Accounting)

Gaetano Tamma (Food Safety Quality)

Sergio Pupillo (Production Manager)
Where We Are
Semolerie Giuseppe Sacco & Figli srl.

AddressS.S. 17 km 327,00
71036 Lucera FG

Office Hours09:00 AM – 1:00 PM3:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Phone +39 0881/520788 +39 0881/520789+39 0881/549209
Fax + 39 0881/549195

Info info@semoleriesacco.it
PEC semolsacco@pec.it